ENTRY FORM – TENNIS SNR GIRLS #82ΔSCHOOL– Select –AUSTRALISBALLARATBELGRAVE HEIGHTSCHAIROCOVENANTCREEK STREETEDINBURGHFLINDERSHEATHDALEHEATHDALE MELTONHEATHERTONHERITAGEHILLCRESTKERANGLIGHTHOUSEMARANATHAMELTONMT EVELYNNORTHSIDERED ROCKRIVER CITYRIVERCRESTST ANDREWSWAVERLEY NARRE WARRENWAVERLEY WANTIRNAWYNDHAMFIRST NAMELAST NAMEEMAIL ADDRESS – FOR COPY OF FORMCONDITIONS Entries are due as outlined on the CSEN Calendar. One team per school is accepted based on receipt of entry, to the maximum number of teams catered for in the competition. For Tennis, this will be 8 per age group. Schools will be invoiced at the end of term, based on entries on the due date. Late withdrawals after this date will be charged the full entry fee. Further teams per school may be accepted based on receipt of entry form. Schools will not be notified of further team acceptance until after the entry closing date. If spaces exist in the draw, further teams may be approached and asked to compete at the convenor’s discretion. Final division allocation rests with the convenor. SENIOR GIRLS TENNIS – NUMBER OF TEAMS REQUIRED– Select –012 (IF SPACE EXISTS – CONFIRMATION AFTER CLOSE OF ENTRIES)Submit Form